The the documentary we watched in class the encounter after Nev found out about Angela's lies was tense but it never escalated to a major circumstance. For some people that is not always the case. Sharing personal info like the locations of your home and work place is something that should be taken very seriously. Once you hit send on a message it's there forever. The person on the other side has that information forever and there is no way of taking it back. now they can do as they wish with your information. They can harass you at your work place or even stalk your home.
Privacy is the most valuable thing that we have when surfing the internet. That being said, it is also something that many companies and organizations want. Every time you open up an app or post something it is pretty likely that you are being tracked by gps. Information like location, time of day, and the content of your post is stored away in some server only to be dug up and used to recommend advertisements or even skew your political views. No one can really escape from this reality but there are precautions you can take like turning of location service and playing around with privacy settings. the reality is that most people don't take the time to do much at all so there information is just floating out in the open waiting to be misused.
Now on to the dark side of online encounters. Abductions, rape, and murder because of online interactions are very much a real thing. A famous series that showcases pedophiles trying to solicit sex of minors is "To Catch a Predator". In that series we see how a simple online chat can turn dark quickly. Services like Uber and Tinder also have their own horror stories of abductions and Rape.
The best thing we can do to prevent things like this are to be careful about who we talk to online. Remember when your mom told you not to talk to strangers? Well that applies to the internet too.
I think it's important that we do also recognize the dark side of online encounters because the Internet is always seen in such a good light. I feel like people forget about the other bad things that happen.
I agree with you when you say that we really can never trust who is on the other side of the internet. I think it is so easy to share too much and many people do not realize that this information cannot be erased once it is out. I like how you chose to focus on the importance of privacy and protecting your information rather than the person catfishing because in the end we really can’t trust a random stranger behind a screen.
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