The first group, KeCa, was beautifully orchestrated. I enjoyed the back and forth between two of the group members. The part where one of the group members explained he their project connected with philosophy was presented as a short little “fun facts” section. As for the content, it was extremely informative and insightful as well. The group compared and contrasted between the two topics of common anxiety and an anxiety this order. I learned that common anxiety is something that you can grow out of with comfort. It is more of a one time thing. While an axiety disorder on the other hand, it is more consistent and doesn’t go away. For example, common anxiety would be nervous for a job interview. For a person with an anxiety disorder, the person would have anxiety at their workplace everyday, regardless of how long they have been working their. The boss ladies group also presented the class with different types of anxiety disorders. PTSD was probably one of the most common of anxiety disorders that i was familiar with. Not because i experienced it but because I’ve seen several commercial of medicines for PTSD and how it is treated. One thing that i was not aware of was that it is not only an anxiety disorder for veterans. Like the other anxiety disorders, there is not minimum age requirement nor is there a maximum age requirement for someone to have PTSD. The moment that i was informed of this, i realized how a younger family member may have PTSD. she is about 4 years old and everytime someone starts to yell she starts holding on to her bear extremely tight. She already holds and carries the bear everywhere as if it like her protection. It just when people start to yell she holds onto it even tighter. The boss ladies group also vowed me that i had common anxiety along with most people in the world. I thought that being nervous and having anxiety was about the same thing. I have realized that being nervous is just having a slight fear but having an anxiety is just thinking about all the worse possibilities in that certain time. I would think that older people would have more anxiety with all the health issues they encounter but the boss ladies group showed that it’s really younger people because we have more to deal with socially. Older people have been around for a longer time and experienced life so they don’t have much to feel anxiety about new experiences like younger people. I really enjoyed the entire presentation.
First, thank you for the review! I am glad that our presentation could educate you that was exactly what we wanted to happen.
Second, I have been thinking more about what Professor Johnson asked us regarding how maybe anxiety and depression are so common now is because everyone needs a diagnosis. A very good example is your young family member who could easily just dislike sudden loud noises (as many children do), however, you immediately jump to the conclusion of PTSD. Obviously, neither one of us are doctors so we could not diagnosis this but it is very interesting how we try to connect the dots of clues that possibly are not even there in the first place.
I completely agree with how the KeCa presentation was very informative and insightful. Thanks to the Boss Ladies I know the difference between common anxiety and an anxiety disorder. Their presentation was very enlightening and fun to watch.
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