
Saturday, April 16, 2016

Repetition is Key, or Is It?

While watching "White Bear" I sympathized for Victoria, the main character, throughout the film. Then when it was revealed that she had kidnapped and videotaped the murder of a 6 year old child, all of my sympathy was gone. But once they placed her in the transparent box and took her back to her house to start it over again, some of my sympathy returned. I do believe that what she did was terrible and she deserved to be punished, I think her repeated punishment might have crossed the line.  I understand that her punishment is what she put the child she kidnapped through, but I think one time is enough, not to mention they remove her memory every night before she goes through the same sequence over and over again. Eventually she is going to reach a point where her brain will not be able to take the punishment of being cleaned out repeatedly and it is going to kill her. I think they should at least try to help her and rehabilitate her instead of making her go through this punishment possibly for the rest of her life. It's not very productive to just punish someone and not try to help them get better. That is one problem I have with our prison system. They are more focused on punishing criminals than helping them become functioning members of society again. As much as I'd love to see people get what they deserve, I would like to at least see an effort made to helping these people. This form of punishment, "An eye for an eye", is not very logical either. Ghandi once said "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind". Eventually the eye for an eye punishment system will become one never-ending cycle of retaliation, and no one will be happy. If I steal someone's things than someone can steal mine, but does that mean I get to steal theirs since they stole mine? The film "White Bear" raises many questions about just punishment, and some of them do not have easy answers. The whole punishment "theme park" is also an interesting concept to me. I definitely believe that people would go to one, but I'm just not sure how that would make us as a society look if we took pleasure in watching and participating in the pain of one of us. I understand that the Gladiators did it too, but we are much more civilized and developed than the Gladiators were, at least I hope so.


Anonymous said...

I definitely agree with your point of view. Her punishment was definitely not fair. I feel that she should have received some type of counseling to help rehabilitate her back to normal.

Anonymous said...

I definitely agree with your point of view. Her punishment was definitely not fair. I feel that she should have received some type of counseling to help rehabilitate her back to normal.