
Saturday, April 30, 2016

Why not replace landfills with huge BioCans?

BioCan was so creative and new I was completely amazed at how this could actually be a real world thing. Growing up instead of throwing away the food that could be decomposed my family and I would just put them is our compost bins. We would always make sure that we would recycle anything that could be recycled because we did not want more garbage in the world then what there already is. However, knowing that there are still items that cannot be decomposed nor recycled, and they are continually being piled high with ideas that are chemically hurting our planet. Not only is it being put in landfills but it is also slowing consuming our neighborhoods. This BioCan in everyone's homes and businesses will not only help our landfills stop from growing. 

It was so inclined at how this would work that I started thinking that instead of leaving it up to the will and choice of every individual person that could afford this new and improved trash can. This should not be limited to just the middle class and higher that can afford this machine. This machine needs to be free to everyone. Not only do they need to be free to everyone they should be used as community trash cans around the world. This invention shows how we can clean the earth and protect it from all of the harmful produces and chemicals we make by making something that counteract these toxins to the earth. 

The presentation of the BioCan was not only of smaller machine that can fit in a normal size kitchen and home but also the size a dumpster that we see on the sides of businesses and large buildings. These dumpster sized BioCans need to be distributed to every business as well. This may cause of destroying information that does not need to be destroyed therefore the distributors of the machines are the only one that can turn them on after being inspected. As for the current day landfills they should be collected and put into a huge BioCan that will get ride of the massive contaminates our society makes. This will make sure we get ride of all the trash around the world and will continue to balance out how much we produce versus how much we destroy. Everything needs a check and balance system for everything that is created.

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