
Saturday, April 30, 2016

FinU, Get Your Money Right Or I'll Fine You

Finance University, or FinU, was a very good idea for a solution to us college students not being able to budget our money. Many of us have no idea what we are doing as far as budgeting or anything of that nature, and this app does a fantastic job of helping us figure out how to maximize our money. It also helps that the app has advisors that can help you if you are having trouble and you need someone to talk to. People that are more visual learners also have access to spreadsheets to help them budget so they know exactly where their money is going and what they need to do differently to get the most bang for their buck. I do think that it is a problem that college students do not know how to budget their money or keep their finances in check, but it is not entirely their fault since they have to buy books, food, necessities for their dorms, not to mention recreational things too. Most college students do not have a job to help them pay for these things so once they run out of money they have nowhere to get any from except their parents. They are also not as educated on the matter as they should be going into college. Sure they take a basic Economics course and maybe a Finance one too, but they teach more about the concept of Econ and Finance and not necessarily how they impact people on an individual level. If people were more educated on the do's and don't's of money at a younger age, they would be much better off and this app would not be as important as it is now. But since it is a very important app, I think it does a great job of teaching college students how to budget, how to get help to budget, and how to make sure they get the most of the money they do have. Another cool thing is that it is also very helpful for people who have jobs while in college and who decide to go back to college after a few years of not going to school at all. I also thought the rap in their presentation was outstanding so shout out to Darious for killing it on that one. If this app was`real and available for me to download, I definitely would download it and use it pretty often to make sure that I am on the right track as far as money goes.

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