
Friday, April 29, 2016

Safe While Alone: Safety is Priority

I thought that the “Safe While Alone” presentation was not only great to watch, but a great idea. Listening to their stories about why they felt that this invention was so important is what really made me feel like this would be a beneficial product. Most of us live in Memphis, and we all know that this city is not getting an award for its low crime rates; however, that does not mean we should not all feel safe where we live, no matter the location. I work the overnight shift at FedEx and live near University of Memphis campus, and there are random people walking around the neighborhood all night. I do not always feel safe just walking from the parking lot into my apartment or stopping at the store. When I get off work nine times out of ten, I am going to stop at the gas station for something to drink. Many guys have tried to talk to me, convince me to give them rides, or even beg for money. This situation was happening every single night and I got to a point where I started pretending to be on my phone and carrying pepper spray on my keys, and these things still don’t make me feel safe enough. My boyfriend stays with me; however, I do not call him every time I get off work. I feel like the safecessories would ultimately make me feel safer because I do not have to be obvious about being scared even when I really am. As a FedEx employee we really cannot wear jewelry; however, we can wear belts and watches. The watch would be the best option because nobody will suspect that you are contacting someone if you touch your watch. The safecessory would make me feel like I always have someone with me even if they are not physically there. I do not think the only time I should feel safe is when I have a man around. I like to be independent and I should be able to have my independence and not feel like something is going to happen to me every time I leave my home. I think this product will serve women well and deliver its mission of making them feel safe anywhere they go. Actually, this product will serve women and men very well because saying that men always feel safe would be very wrong. I think the safecessory is a great product, great design, (even though Dr. J said it looks like condoms), and it will make me feel like I can be alone without ever actually being alone.

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