
Tuesday, April 26, 2016

My Reaction to HotSpot

Personally I think HotSpot could be one of the coolest inventions if it were real. I'm sure it would be difficult to convince people that it would be beneficial to their communities, but that's just how people are. For some reason, as a society, we have stopped seeing the homeless as actual humans. Victim shaming is one the biggest problems of our world whether it be homelessness, rape, or anything where someone is left at a disadvantage. We blame them for their own disadvantages. It is nice to see someone else looking out for the homeless, especially considering that families with children make up a large part of the homeless population. I am sure they would appreciate warmth just as much as the next person. It's saddening to think about the amount of people who not only go without food and proper clothing, but to think about the fact that they are also left to the elements is worse. We take all of these things for granted everyday. I get in my car and crank up the A/C or heat accordingly, and complain about how long it takes to start working, never giving a second thought about how blessed I am to have the option.

Next, I personally do not think the best place to put them would be neighborhoods that have a high police presence. Whenever you get a large group of people together no matter race,religion, OR whether they have homes or not, you're bound to get one or two trouble makers. That's just how the odds work. That would serve merely as a distraction though, while more imminent dangers. Police officers would be more concerned about the large group huddling around a pole, than real crimes that could be taking place. Also, the attack on homeless people by police blows my mind, considering that they literally cannot do anything about their situation. Taking them to jail just fills up beds that could be used by other, actual criminals. The amount of time and resources spent on hunting down the homeless is unnecessary when there are murderers and rapists chilling somewhere.

That was a bit of a rant, but like I said earlier, I think it was a really great invention and I hope one day we see something like it come into existence.
It is super cool that ya'll were thinking about helping people other than yourselves and we need more people like that.

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