
Thursday, April 28, 2016

Voting App!

I thought that the app for voting was such a great idea. I think that a lot of people don’t go out to vote because they don’t have time or they just don’t want to stand in the lines and wait. Having registration and the ability to vote right at the tip of your fingers would be such a great idea. The way that the app was presented to us in the PowerPoint was such an easy and accessible app to everyone. The simplicity of the app is probably the best and most effective way to get people to use the app. It was made to allow everyone to be able to understand how to manage and use the app. Also, the information that was gathered and presented to us was information that we really needed to know, especially as college students. It showed us that our vote really does count and that we could change the way our government and the way that things are ran. It allowed us to see that we could actually be the change that we want to see if we use our right to vote. That’s exactly why this app is great. Because most students don’t go to school in the same city, let alone state, that they are registered to vote, we could possibly see more young people voting by using the app. Young people use their phones for everything, so why not get an app to vote? The app would increase the number of young voters and it would open the doors for young people to express themselves in the way that they want to. The only thing that I would be afraid of is someone getting my personal information. Yes, there are ways to get personal information just by using the internet, but because this is such a huge outlet, I would be concerned of the safety. The best safety technique I would think is to make the app accessible with your thumb print just because your print is your own and nobody else in the world has your print. I do know that the thumb print would be hard to do because not everyone has the finger print setting on their phone, but there should be some type of setting that allows anyone to have a fingerprint setting. Other than that, I thought the idea of having a voting app is a wonderful idea.

I definitely think someone should really consider this idea and take it seriously, that way we can get our voting rates up!  

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