
Friday, April 29, 2016

W.A.S.P. Review

The presentation about rape victims in my class really stood out to me. Coming from the culture and environment that I was raised in, the topic of rape is always a relevant, important conversation. I have never believed in the whole 'it was the victim's fault' concept because I don't think anyone would ever want to be sexually assaulted intentionally. I have always known how serious of a problem rape is, but after looking at the statistics that W.A.S.P. provided it is a critical moral problem. Many victims of sexual assault, whether its women, men, or children, don't always recover to their full potential after traumatizing experience. The introduction of W.A.S.P. is a great way to link victims with other victims. The chat rooms provided connect people that have been sexually assaulted that can relate to each other, and offers many different ways to help people. The website provides a safe haven for victims that they wouldn't probably wouldn't feel is provided to them already. With the resources that are provided like the chat rooms and talking to counselors, the process of recovery is more feasible.

I also liked how the group made it more that aware that women are not the only group people vulnerable to being raped. Men and children are also subjected to being sexually assaulted. I agree that it is important to make that fact more known for people who feel as though, especially men aren't able to claim rape. While I thought that the group having alternative websites for specifically men and children that have been assaulted, I feel as though if the group had chosen one of the lesser noticed groups then it would've been more impactful. Women are the most reported group of rape and sexual assault, but they already have many options available to them. Making more resources for men, for example, to have a platform so that they know that rape happens to them too and that they aren't less of man solves a more underserved moral problem.

The solution to the problem they presented was a suitable solution in the end. Rape is never an easy topic, and everyone has different views of it. W.A.S.P. is something that I could definitely see being an effective source if it were to actually come about.  The presentation would have been more complex yet interesting had it been angled towards a different group of people that are subjected to rape.

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