
Thursday, April 28, 2016

Vote USA Evaluation

Vote USA is an app designed to help increase the voting rate across the nation. The presentation first brings to light the issue of the previous election of 2012. There were a huge percentage of eligible citizens, but the amount that actually participated in the election was surprisingly low. The group provided a lot of statistics to the Power Point to show the effects of this issue. I was unaware of how many people that did not cast their vote during the 2012 election, and that the population of young voters that did show up was a determining factor in the winning candidate. I enjoyed how one of the group members interviewed a person that actually worked at the voting booths. This interview gave the audience a primary source into the issue. The video that was attached within the presentation was very informative and the speaker was very animated. There is such a big importance on a person’s vote, and many excuses can be made to try and get around voting. The group members discuss how voting can do a lot for the people and the changes desired to be made can be accomplished. They also had another group member interview an IT guy, to show the process of the app, and how it works just like a credit card. After the statistics had been stated, the group moved their focus to the technological aspect of their idea. Vote USA is an app that can downloaded on any mobile device and allow for someone to vote. This helps eliminate the excuses and struggles of going out of our way just to make it to the voting booths. The app is very simple and seems easy enough for anyone to use. The group did not just stop there; they also addressed the problems that can come from this app. The issue with security and technology is always a big and important topic to consider. The presentation backed up their idea with a breakdown of current machines being used and compared it to theirs. I really liked the idea, and I think that it can make a big impact on the issue of voters not getting their voices properly heard by the government. I can see this app becoming something that can replace the present ways of voting, and I do not see any huge problems within the idea. The group did a great group addressing the problem and they created an amazing solution.

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