
Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Safe While Alone

No one should have to feel afraid and vulnerable just because they are alone. The idea of having a device that can connect you with the outside world in an instant is very comforting. Whether walking home alone, in a place you've never been, or just around someone you do not feel comfortable with. Having an easily accessible tool that will let those you feel will look out for you know something is wrong is monumental.
         The types of products that they have are wonderfully inconspicuous. A key chain, bracelet, belt buckle, necklace, and watch are things nearly everyone has. These fit into all types of  wardrobes no matter where someone is going. However, I think that its distinctive design will also be a deterrent for attackers. If an attacker knows what a safe accessory is they will be more likely to think over their actions, and less likely to go through with the crime. Also if someone doesn't actually have a safe accessory, or can't afford one, they can still threaten that that they do which is an added benefit of actually implementing a device like this. This should be something that is highly advertised for multiple reasons. Safe accessories deter potential predators, create a safer place for the vulnerable, and most importantly I think it will have a profound effect on how society looks at sexual assault. Having a real palpable invention like this will spur people to talk about and see sexual assault differently. The way America usually views sexual assault is that its the victims fault through some idiotic way or another, but this shines a light on what the attacker is doing wrong.
      I feel as though this device would be improved by being given in mass to people who are more likely to be assaulted, such as females on college campuses. They would have the choice to actually set up an account or not, but letting them have it on their person would definitely ease a female college student's mind who has heard the sexual assault statistics about college campuses.
      The tracking capabilities of this device are one of its most valuable components. This is because it can be used in multiple ways. If there is someone you know who likes to go camping alone or a child who may have mental difficulties and wonder off, this would help to find these people who are at a greater risk of getting into trouble. If this was real and I was a parent I would definitely be getting one for my children.

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