
Friday, April 29, 2016

Uplifting Depression

I'm going to be giving an analysis of the Lifting organization and its effectiveness in helping people with depression. I believe that depression is a problem in our country and that something should be done to help, but I don't think that the Lifting website would help the problem. I am not against the suicide hotline aspect of it, but I don't think that internet chat rooms are a very safe environment for this type of problem. There would have to be a very small number of people in each chat room for you to be able to converse about your problems. I also don't think that the conversations would go very smoothly. It would be difficult for someone to moderate these chats and try to help each person in the chat. The idea of the Lifting facility is smart and is probably the most beneficial part of the organization. The world could use a non-profit facility that offers semi-profession/professional help for depression at a YMCA price. I think it would be smart to hold certain events and maybe group therapy at the facility, but the focus should never be on holding events. I am no stranger to group therapy/AA environments and they usually aren't very stable and contain a wide variety of people. As fun as it would be to have a karaoke night at the methadone clinic, I don't think that it would be very productive in helping anybody. I don't think it would be smart to meet anywhere but the lifting facility or a controlled environment with a professional present. While it is good to get outside, the website has a chat room for depressed youth that someone of any age could get into and start scheduling meet-ups to "talk about their problems". The chat room seems a little too easy for internet predators to communicate with and maybe even meet up with teenagers that are already feeling unsure if life is worth it. I think that depression is a big problem and something needs to be done about it, but like addiction and other mental illnesses, it's not an easy thing to get over and it will require professional 1 on 1 help and self-rehabilitation and medication to fix. The Lifting organization seems to do little help on its own and if it requires a third party source of professional help then it's like they're putting a band-aid on the stitches that we got from a real doctor. I'm sure that the band-aid might keep it clean and help on a minor scale, but you can just put band-aids on yourself.  

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