
Saturday, April 16, 2016

Gon' Fishin'

Throughout the film, The concept of "catfishing" is very interesting to me because after a while you are not only lying to the person you are cat fishing, but you are also lying to yourself. In the case of the movie, Angela had a rough home life but while she was on Facebook everything was fine. While online she was young, beautiful, funny, and did not have to worry about taking care of her two severely handicapped sons. It also made it seem like her daughter, Abby, was a fantastic painter considering her age, instead it was just Angela paining slightly above average works for her age. Part of me really wants to criticize her for running away from her life like this but another part of me really feels bad for her. She has to take care of her two adult sons who are handicapped, her husband isn't the sharpest tool in the shed, and she is a decent but not great painter. She had dreams of becoming a dancer but she cannot accomplish them that now that she is married with three children and a  rock of a husband. While she was cat fishing Nev, she had a very elaborate backstory so he would not find out about any of that. Angela probably thought if he did find out the truth that he would not want to talk to her or Abby ever again. She also fell in love with Nev, and she figured he might fall for her if she looked younger and more attractive than she is in real life. I guess she didn't think about Nev going to visit her because when he got there, her plan slowly crumbled into pieces. Also, Nev was such a good sport about the whole situation. Instead of ridiculing and criticizing her for putting him through what she did, he was nice to her and trying to help her. It was also good that Angela did not show any signs of obvious malicious intent either. If she had the intent to potentially harm Nev, this could have ended a lot differently than it did. That just goes to show that you should not try to find love on the internet. With the way that technology has advanced now, it is so easy to act and sound like a totally different person than you really are. This can be dangerous for people looking for friendship or love online because in reality they have no idea who they are even talking to. Heck, they could even be talking to someone of the opposite gender that they say they are. it also puts the person being catfished through a lot of emotional pain and suffering that they do not deserve to be put through.


Anonymous said...

The internet can be scary when you are not really sure who are you talking to. I think a mutual relationship is fine in online, but a serious or romantic relationship won't do because people from online are not what you imagined to be in real life.

Unknown said...

i second with the first comment. online chatting is very dangerous no matter who you are. people make up so much and people believe them, because of what the social media gives them.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the points you made as well as the points made in the comments, I think that we try too hard to be something we are not and whether we try or not in the online world we can think before we type, edit photos, and get rid of any flaws that are more common when seeing somebody in person. I also like that you brought up that Angela is also lying to herself while lying to Nev.

Anonymous said...

I like that you brought up the fact that Angela was essentially lying to herself. I didn't really consider it from that point of view. She used her life online to escape the realities of her life rather than face them head on. Angela tricked herself into thinking her life was different that it actually was, and I don't think that's healthy.

Unknown said...

Nev definitely suffered after the whole nine months of his experience with Angela. One could see how he was reacting after getting back from Angela's house. He very much had a short temper and was not as happy as he had been in the past with opening "Abby's" packages of artwork.

Anonymous said...

I agree that Angela was lying to herself as well. She got caught up in her own web of lies and deceit and probably started to believe herself. It's actually very sad, but sometimes people can't help it.

biglex said...

I totally agree. The internet is so vast. I couldn't imagine catfishing someone, but I know there are plenty of people out there who wouldn't hesitate to lie to people. Have to be careful out there.

Anonymous said...

If finding a real romantic relationship and love in on the internet is so risky and unlikely, then why are online dating sites becoming so popular? If people are aware of the dangers of being catfished then why even risk it, and and quite often these days people find relationships that can lead to real life love.