
Friday, April 29, 2016

Pass me a buc or 30,000

Broke college students rejoice! Pa$s The Buc makes saving money on things like books, tutors, and dorm supplies easy when higher education costs an arm and a leg. One of the biggest problems I think college students face is The Textbook Problem. Publishers release new editions of books that aren't very different (if different at all) from previous editions, and professors put the new edition as a required text for their class. Some textbooks have access codes for online content that can only be purchased with a new book, and professors may assign work on that online resource. Not buying books can cause students' grades to suffer, but purchasing books will cause students' wallets to suffer. Sometimes renting books or buying used books is too expensive as well as a gamble; the book could have undesirable writing and highlighting, or it might even have pages missing. Some students try to search for the best deals on textbooks online, but some websites are unreliable. 

Pa$s The Buc addresses the fact that textbook publishers basically rob college students by allowing students to buy, sell, and trade amongst themselves. The option to trade is my favorite feature of the app. Maybe you can't give someone money for a book you need, but you might be able to tutor them in exchange for the textbook. I like that the trading feature isn't limited to textbooks; students can put clothes, supplies, decor, and other things on the app to trade. However, students still have the option to buy and sell things for cash and can even chat to negotiate the price of goods. You can search for tutors by major and chat to set up tutoring sessions. I also like that you can buy/sell and trade with students from others schools, and your identity is protected since your chat icon is your school mascot.

I think Pa$s The Buc would give students more control over their college experiences. Being connected with other students by this app would put a number of resources in the palm of your hands–the most valuable resource being students themselves. I think an app like this would be utilized by students and even alumni who want to get rid of their old college apparel and dorm furniture. I know I would definitely use this app. Even with scholarships, grants, and loans (ugh, loans), college is still a pretty penny. Pa$s The Buc would take some of the stress off of students who are trying to get out of school with as much of their sanity and pocketbooks intact as possible.      

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