
Friday, April 29, 2016

Course Connected

     Course Connect is a very interesting idea. The concept of an app that would allow you to track class attendance and grades at anytime is amazing. While playing with the app in class I was very impressed. It wasn't buggy and transitioned smoothly. The app seemed very well planned out. I also liked the fact the presentation was in-depth and even came with topics the group anticipated would be addressed. You could tell there was a lot of effort put into this project. The app would definitely help me. My CBU email is malfunctioning at this moment. If I had this app, my life would be so much easier.
      Regarding the funding, I firmly believe if you were to pitch this to CBU they would definitely fund it. Not only would the app have a chance of increasing academic success. It would reflect well on the school. CBU would be seen as a school that works to make sure its students succeed. It is also a smart investment. Any way they can increase the finishing rate is good for the school. If this app can cut the number of academic withdrawals, it serves that purpose. CBU has no reason not to fund it.
     Also, the discipline aspect that comes with the app is respectable. The only way to succeed in college is to have some level of discipline. Now, I like the fact that the app reminds and notifies you about cancelled classes and due dates. Still, its on you to do them. I think this app is a good reminder of that in itself. The app can't make you do the work. I'm also glad you guys addressed this in the presentation. It goes with that sense of preparedness I mentioned earlier.
     I really like how you guys were able to implement the suggestions you received during the Question and Answer into your design. It showed confidence in the project. You guys also did well with presenting. It was clear and engaging. The powerpoint kept my attention. The personal anecdotes made the app more appealing because the account was relatable. Everyone in the group seemed to be knowledgeable about the project. You even seemed to impress Dr. Johnson. The app is a really great idea. I think it is really worth pursuing. This is one of those things that deserves attention. In conclusion, I really enjoyed the presentation and was impressed at the idea of the app.

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