
Friday, April 29, 2016

Solving The Problem of Depression

Depression is serious and is a topic that is very sensitive for some. Many people also undergo a form of depression during their lifetime. There are many forms of treatment for the variety of symptoms that individuals may have. There are professionals that treat patients with depression, there are also a plethora of websites and hotlines that aid people with depression and even suicidal thoughts. The Lift Yourself website and app is another form of assistance to those who experience such emotions. It was said that one thing that sets this not-for-profit business apart is its professional assistance and their facilities. I think it is great that they are bringing awareness to depression, but there is a lot of potential to enhance this app. The innovators of this project explained that there will be professional and licensed individual assisting patients, moderating 24/7 chat rooms, and providing their services at the events that take place. Although those services are beneficial, I do not think there are many professional adults with doctorate degrees who will basically work full time jobs for little to no cost. The business is not-for-profit and relies heavily on donations and volunteers. People with doctorate degrees make a large sum of money annually and I don’t believe that donations will be able to adequately compensate employees, maintain facilities, and continuously meet the demands of the business. Although I don’t have a solution to this problem, there can definitely be actions taken to ensure that the employees are well compensated. The fact that this business offers a facility to its members/patients is pretty cool. It would be nice if it was homey and had an open atmosphere. This would potentially draw members in while gaining their trust to come to future events. All in all, I think it is great that this group is targeting depression. I just think there services could be enhanced and reconsidered. It is awesome that they presented us with the startling facts that many of us did not know. This allowed us to have the right frame of mind when thinking of depression. With a little tweaking here and there, this business could definitely be beneficial.

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