
Friday, April 15, 2016

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire!!

After watching this movie, I can now say that I have been doing very well in not meeting people off the web. It is a hard thing to watch and see people start a whole entire relationship and fall in love or even start to catch feelings for someone who isn’t even real. Lord knows I wouldn’t have handled that like Nev did. This young man spent nearly a year cyber dating a woman whom he had supposedly met on Facebook through her little sister. I personally don’t think any good relationship can be established if I can’t meet you personally, but to each its own. Nev put his life out there for the entire world to see and it was most definitely an embarrassment. There were actually a few signs that he ignored that could have saved him. For example, when he realized that those songs were different people I would have then gave up. It was just common sense to me. Watching him be excited and give his feelings out was touching, it’s not many times that you see a man doing that and I’m glad that he was able to do that. But what some people don’t understand is that once a man gets his heart broken it’s hard to mend it back again. They don’t bounce back like women do.

Outside of Nev’s doubts, his friends pushed him to keep entertaining the relationship just to find out if the person was real or not. I think if not for them we wouldn’t got so in tuned with what was going on ourselves. I was really expecting Megan to be a real person especially since Nev had fallen for her. Once Nev met Angela I expected her to have her daughter Megan there to meet him and Abby the painter too. But instead you found her, her husband, and their sons. She had lied to him and continued to do so, instead of just coming clean about it. She had put innocent lives in a situation that was unnecessary. Her daughter, Abby had no clue who Nev was or what he was asking her about when he mentioned the paintings. She was just a clueless little girl wanting to have fun. Angela had also told him that she had cancer, this made everyone feel some type of sympathy for her. But once Nev finally came to the conclusion that Megan was not real and Abby wasn’t a painter, but the whole time it was Angela the mother of Abby. Once I found out that she lied even after he asked her to tell the truth I had no remorse for her. I would hate to be Catfished by someone I might not handle it as nicely as Nev did.


DJmilla said...

I feel like Tirzah did a good job with helping the readers understand what it was like to give off a personality that Angela had, and a personality that she wanted to have but didn't really seem to grab a hold of. The thing about tears this post, was that she did a good job with giving people a sense of how people can be one way and another one lane one form of their lives, and then change their personalities in a Nother setting. It all depends on who you are and who you want to make yourself out to be. If Tierza was able to make this sort of connection she was also able to not only see the disconnect between Megan and Angela, but she was also able to pick up on the fact that it's okay to show your true identity and if people make fun of it then that's their business. It doesn't matter who you are, and I feel like that's what Tierza was trying to do. She understood that through the movie the helpless Angela wasn't really helpless at all, she just had been lying to me and had been given knowing what tears a new, she thought about how people would react if she was in a position to lie and put people through the same confusion as Angela had put neither and his friends through. She knew that Angela did not have cancer, and she was able to can you come out and express what her concerns were and what she believed Angela to really be. give it a chance to redeem herself, but she didn't take it, and as result it was hard to explain herself in a true sense of identity. Holding onto a virtual reality was something that Tierza felt is a problem for her and I believe that she did a good job explaining explaining and expressing what it was like to have knowing heaven have knowing a horrible mistake that Angela had made. The mistakes that Angela had made

Unknown said...

In my opinion, his friends definitely aided in his pain because they pushed him to find out the truth when he wanted to give up and just walk away once the first lie was established and even after finding out about the gallery he wanted to walk away but they pushed him to continue to persue it and that was wrong.