
Monday, April 23, 2018

Food Truck- 3rd Group Presentation

Today group three gave their presentation on food trucks that can help reduce food waste. I LOVED this presentation and project. Their central idea was to get excess food from places such as restaurants, and drive them to places like shelters in a refrigerated truck. The presentation began with a powerpoint on facts regarding food waste. It presented statistics and we watched an interesting video about how much food americans waste daily. The video was very eye-opening, and I think they made a great decision adding it into their presentation, it presented their issue and let us see physically what they were talking about. I was very surprised about the statistics presented to us, regarding just Tennessee. They had an interesting point I took note of, that most people think it's important to donate food in the winters(which it is) but they said we need to be cautious of the summers as well, because kids and adults are not subjected to free school meals. I never thought about this issue. We also found out today that homeless shelters cost more than we thought, which was also eye-opening. I think their truck is a great idea, it could really put wasted food to good use. I loved the coupon idea they had, where they could have local businesses donate percentages of sales to them. This is a common thing that I know local restaurant owners are very interested in. I also enjoyed how they were nonprofit, and not primarily focused on getting donations. Presentation wise, I thought they did a fantastic job. They all presented clearly and all seemed to really understand their topic, and were very ready for each question thrown at them. There were two flaws I noticed about this presentation: first, as Dr. J said, it did not really have at technological solution to this problem of food wastage. Second, their website, while cute and savvy, should have had a little more work. Some of the words were super small and the wrong color, it made it hard to read. Just a little more time spent on the website and it would've been perfect. Again I thoroughly enjoyed this project. I think they were very prepared for today. I think they could also grow this idea, there is a lot of options in the future if this were to ever be successful. I thought of a fun one, maybe they could add grills or microwaves in their trucks, and to raise donations they could cook some of the food they get and give it out for free at social events and only ask for donations.


Anonymous said...

I agree 100%! I never knew how much food was wasted, within not even 5 hours! That video was a great addition to their presentation. In addition, each presenter seemed to be very educated on their project, in my opinion! I feel they did a wonderful job!!

Unknown said...

I agree as well. I never took notice how much food is waste, but I don't see how the food truck will stop people from throwing away food.

Unknown said...

I also loved how the group prefaced the problem about food waste. They did a good job on presenting their background information. I liked how they were a non-profit, but just like any business, it has to have profit to run. Non-profit just means that profits are not distributed to anyone or any group instead the profits are put back into the business.