
Wednesday, April 13, 2016

"Social Cat-astrophe"?

While I do understand the situation Angela has been in over the years, I do not condemn any action that she did. It is a last resort option that one still should not do, if it came down to it and it shows weakness to a full level. Before I state my points, I think that it is right to say that I severely oppose “catfishing” and the way our society uses social media today, so some of my points may be severe but they are my opinions. First of all a "catfish" is someone who is wasting their time. Consider it in this example, imagine what we could change as a society if we put the energy we put into making our social media and social identities perfect on real world problems. It said towards the end of the movie that 1500 messages were sent between the two of them. Although they were talking to each other like they were a couple, it would take me forever to eclipse that number of messages, since I prefer face-to-face communication.  Next, catfishing is a confidence issue. The conversations between Angela and Nev should not build morale, especially for the one "catfishing" in the scenario. Basically, someone is recreating himself or herself to be something that they were not born to be. For someone to do this, it could be said that there are problems with them internally. Instead of trying to be someone in whom they are not, they should work on improving their appearance to others. Using a screen and a keyboard is fine once in a while to interact and create bonds between one another but the right way of communicating between on another is face-to-face conversation, which is way long-distance friendships fade away after a while. This eliminates lies between one another, improves the chemistry of the friendship and builds a bond faster. Another issue with catfishing is the hiding of one's feelings and thoughts. Since the two people are not face-to-face, they do not have to resort to telling the truth to questions they do not want to answer truthfully. You also cannot tell how they are feeling about a certain topic, nor can you really feel how they are doing. A screen cannot talk nor post in a different tone to state whether someone is happy, upset or angry. On the other hand, this is almost impossible to do talking to one another face to face, as you can tell by the person's attitude and body language how they are feeling and the truthiness of the statement. Lastly, how would one act in a non-actor role being in Nev’s situation, coming there to see her, and then seeing her and all of those lies?


Anonymous said...

When reading your article it made me realize what I was trying to say in my own article. I did not feel much sympathy for her as well because she knew what choices she was making and she knew how big of a lie she was telling. There is no excuse for that. Had she put the technology down and just talked face to face to people, I agree that she could have solved her own problems without cat fishing Nev. She was not only lying to Nev, but herself and her family as well and she was lucky that Nev did not freak out on her to make things worse because that could have made her spiral into some type of depression or other crazy state and caused more problems then she already had.

Unknown said...

I am confused as to what your stance on the issue actually is. Towards the end when you stated that Nev was an actor, I think that was his actual reaction. I just think he had already come to terms with the situation and thats why he didn't "flip out."