
Friday, April 15, 2016


So, the Catfish thing is super weird. Nev is guilty for atttemping to have a real sophisticated relationship with a person he met online. However, it is obvious that most of the blame falls on Angela. There are layers of "wrongness". First, she had some issues with herself. She wanted to be something and she did not turn out to be what she hoped. I understand her life is depressing and she probably had another vision as to what her life would have been. If she had dreams of doing something she should have tried everything she could to try and achieve them. The next thing was that she came up with a highly elaborate plan of scamming Nev out of a real relationship. However, I think that she probably didnt intend to make it go on as far as she did. Im sure it was little by little and she didnt think it seemed too far but in reality it was. So overall it was pretty messed up.

On another subject I think technoly itself is good if it is a tool rather than being the creator of something. I think social media outlets such as Instagram are intended to serve a minimal purpose of showing someone a moment in another's life. However, there are people who take it too far and end up lying or extending the truth. So it seems as though technology is adding layers onto the illusion side of things rather than being more transparent. However, I do think technology is very helpful in showing people world wide things that are beyond their realm of communication. For example, when police brutality videos come to light it is because someone in a particular moment had the technology availabe to document what was happening. If technology were not at a sophisticated enough point to make this happen it would ultametly become invisible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with your point about Angela 'doing wrong' but I think that the audience should give her the benefit of the doubt. She had no time to healthily express her feelings about her life she wish she had, on account of her time and complete devotion to her daughter and two handicapped stepsons. She was able to live out the life she wanted online and this could show how people in every place in the U.S. like Ishpheming, do need help. These accounts that she made also contributed to the illusion of what people are like IRL compared to online profiles. She just added to the problem by creating fake people to support her own fake profile.