
Friday, April 15, 2016

What's in a name?

Catfish took me for a ride that I really wanted to get off of. Second-hand embarrassment is very real; I was cringing the entire time, and I was so uncomfortable during some parts that I felt like crawling under the desk. By the end of the film, I was like...

I was baffled by a number of things–the first and most pressing being why anyone would create such an elaborate lie. Angela created a number of individual Facebook profiles to keep up appearances online for Nev, and I didn't understand why someone would go through all that trouble. But then I took a look at Angela's life: two handicapped adult children, a seven-year-old, and a clueless husband made up most of her daily contact with other people. She gave up her career and livelihood in order to be the full-time caregiver that her household needed. Although I may not agree with Angela's actions, I can understand that she was lonely and felt unfulfilled in her life. Her Facebook profiles allowed her to express pieces of herself that she was unable to IRL. Her art and love of dance was recognized and nurtured through her relationship with Nev, who seemed to pay her more attention that her husband. 

That brings me to my second point of concern: I felt like Angela was cheating on her husband. "Megan" had a romantic connection with Nev, and they sent sexts back and forth. Many people (including myself) would call this emotional cheating. Angela fell in love with another man and was emotionally intimate with him. You can't choose who you fall in love with, but I think that's why emotional cheating is worse than physical cheating. When two people are together and one parter falls for someone besides their other half in the established relationship, you begin to question if the feelings of love were real in the first place. Angela didn't physically cheat on Vince, but she fell in love with another man who didn't even know her true identity. 

But what is Angela's true identity? Nev didn't know her real name or what she really looked like, but he knew her–her likes, dislikes, thoughts, feelings, and what she was passionate about. Don't all of those things define who someone is more correctly than their name and face? I think so, but I also think that purposeful deceit prevents long-lasting friendships and relationships from forming and growing. Angela's web of lies got so complicated that she got caught up and unraveled it along with her relationship (whatever it was) with Nev. 


Anonymous said...

I agree with what you said. Her actions made me unsympathetic towards her, but the people she affected because of her actions. He daughter, husband, stepsons, Nev, everyone who had to deal with her web of lies didn't deserve it.I personally feel as though her intentions weren't cruel, but in the end they were just as damaging as if it were cruel intentions.

Anonymous said...

The fact is that Angela did cheat on her husband, I agree. The relationship between Angela and her husband after this incident will never be the same and feelings of doubt and distrust will be present for the remainder of their relationship if they choose to stay together.