
Sunday, December 11, 2016


I thought this project, out of all the ones presented, was the most practical, realistic, and most useful one in this current moment. Although other products and apps from different groups created cool, fancy technology that were interesting and well thought out, bucca-NEAR-u is the one app that has the best chance to become something real that a large majority of people on the CBU campus, and potentially other campuses, use. This app allows students to have a much faster and reliable connection with campus security. I also really enjoyed the idea of anonymous reporting because it allows students who want to report something but are scared to because of peer pressure or whatever reason a chance to do so without being called out.

One problem I have with this  app, however, is that it could potentially require a larger campus safety force readily available or more and better training for the current campus security, which could increase costs for students. Campus security, however, could definitely use it since I do not really see them do much except break up parties at 5AM.

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