
Saturday, December 10, 2016

Fighting For a Better Tomorrow (Watch It! Review)

The Watch It! Team did a wonderful job of presenting this extremely hard issue subject that no one wants to talk about. Childhood obesity is such an important issue because if someone is obese as a child then they are at a much higher risk to stay obese as an adult. We are all products of our parents and however we were raised we will at least show some resemblance of how we were raised. Why not incorporate some sort of way to increase children’s activity level at the expense of their technological play time? It would be extremely difficult for someone to try to say that this is a bad idea. We all can see the problem on a day to day basis, it is quite literally everywhere and it is an epidemic. The app was wonderfully designed and I loved the fact that Piper put the names of her nieces and nephews in the presentation. Making things more personable by any means necessary is always a great way to produce wonderful feedback to your product.

Much like the project I was involved in, the Watch It! Team wants to fight childhood obesity in any way that they can. The only thing I would change about the app is that it should maybe include some sort of reward mechanism for eating healthy too. It’s one thing to get active, but it would also be great if the kids were to eat better as well. It is much easier for a parent to pull over or run to the nearest fast food place and pick up a $10 meal for the family than to spend $30 and a lot more time cooking a healthy meal for their family. As humans though, we really shouldn’t be too concerned about the short term effect of a meal. Yes it provides us with energy for now, but what is it really doing to your body?

Great job on reaching the final by the way guys!! I thought it was really cool that y’all got to go on stage in front of all of us and present your project. I probably would have been visibly shaking the whole time. Young adults with passion for helping the generation not so far behind them gives me reassurance in people. It shows that we aren’t all self centered buttheads trying to make a buck off the next person, but rather we care about the wellbeing of others at such a level that we want to put our own skin into the game. Thanks for showing me this Watch It! team. Y’all did a very hard thing and I hope you are rewarded with the grade you receive on the project.

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