
Sunday, December 11, 2016

Review of Shelter Connection

Homelessness is always an issue that it could be assumed that most people feel the need to do something about. In Memphis, it is a very obvious problem due to the fact that a person can a homeless person on every other busy street corner, panhandling for money or begging for food. Homeless shelters are set up to face this problem, but oftentimes, it can be troubling to find out what is needed, especially by what shelter. It is also hard to be well educated about what each shelter does and who they serve. It can be overwhelming at times; people want to help but they do not know how. Panhandling makes people nervous, and many times people do not have cash on hand to give, which is common nowadays.
Shelter Connection is a great way to actually help homeless shelters who lack the time, staff and technical skills to create an online presence to get the word out about their mission. It is critical that it is a site built for the Memphis area where there is a high number of homelessness. If this site were to become a real website, I would like to see a more complete list of all the shelters and organizations in the area.
I also like the idea of being able to donate money that would be dedicated to purpose of buying certain items such as toilet paper or deodorant, basic necessities. I would think it could be cool if in the future, there would be a way to track how much money has been raised overall, and perhaps homeless shelters could express dire needs for certain items, like if one really needs shampoo, then perhaps there could be a page that would put special emphasis on these things.
I really like this project because it makes a complex issue seem feasible to help to try to solve. And although there are hardly easy fixes for such deep and complicated issues such as homelessness, I truly think that this aggregate site could help those that seek help those on the street. I really liked the approach to this project as well. Sometimes one feels as if they have all the answers through an app or a piece of techne, but you sought to help those that have already been present to these homeless people. This website helps far more people to be present to those in need. It also educates people more to help those on the street find a place each night.  

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