
Sunday, December 11, 2016

Crossing Bridges Closing Gaps - The best project and presentation even if not the best inventions

I feel like, while the invention itself may have not been the very best of all of them, the project showcasing Crossing Borders Closing Gaps was the best one.  The best invention may have been the find my place kiosk, or perhaps it's a tie, at least in my opinion.  However, the whole presentation and the multiple part plan to the Crossing Borders Closing Gaps project was fantastic.  This group went above and beyond with their invention, even making multiple different inventions.  They planned to have a website, an app, AND an item - the tablet specifically for housing the app so that people in places such as third world countries could access the knowledge.

Now, I say that the inventions may have only tied the kiosk just because, while the execution of the presentation was superb, I can't be certain how much all that they made would actually impact the world.  I feel more certain that the kiosk would have a great impact while I feel like there's a chance that the Crossing Borders Closing Gaps inventions, while seeming great, had the possibility of fizzling out and not really doing much even though it was such a good concept.

The presentation from this group wasn't even so good solely because of all the inventions - the way they went about showing everything was using something different from powerpoint which displayed everything in a different way and I really liked it.  The way it all looked and felt was really good; I felt like it could have been an actual company presenting its idea to me.  Combining the goodness of the presentation's look and feel with it's organization, putting everything in steps, makes this group's presentation skyrocket to first place among all the different presentations.  Don't get me wrong; I don't think that any groups had a bad presentation.  However, I felt like all of them were mostly average(except for when I made everyone laugh during our presentation, I was the coolest).  Everyone used powerpoint, and while there were different designs, the general organization of everyone's presentation was mostly the same:  some slides going over the problem, then some slides discussing the solution they came up with, make sure everyone talks some and wing it for the questions.

Though this group's actual inventions had the possibility of not making much impact, that doesn't mean I believe they wouldn't have.  I do think they would have, but because of the massive scale this would be or need to be implemented on there's just no way to be certain.

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