
Sunday, December 11, 2016

Let's Get Memphis Healthy Habits Up and Running

            The Memphis Healthy Habits project addressed issues related to the obesity epidemic in Memphis specifically. By providing resources that get people connected to community activities, healthy diet plans, and exercise regimens, the website could minimize the 34% adult obesity rate in Memphis. I think the main attraction to the Memphis Healthy Habits website is the sense of community it gives off; the blog entries are written by dedicated Memphians who want others to live healthy lifestyles. I loved the groups’ passionate response to food insecurity but I felt those who would most benefit from the resources structured through the app would not connect to them. I would suggest providing recipes that include affordable, accessible ingredients in food deserts and tailoring blog entries to resonate with those who are most food insecure. For example, having 5-minute workout plans, family fun exercises that you can squeeze in between dinner and bedtime, or how to get your grocery shopping done quickly after a long shift, would be helpful to more Memphians.

            I think this website and this idea could expand so much, becoming a citywide resource. Maybe if this was pitched to the Memphis Food Advisory Council, the group could integrate more advanced resources and actually make this happen. I couldn’t tell you how often I wanted to look up where to find some cheap veggies after a long day of school and work but instead I go to Taco Bell for a cheap, quick burrito. I want this to be up and running so we can all benefit from it!

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