
Saturday, December 10, 2016

LEAF thoughts

I really loved how this idea is geared towards helping senior citizens. I also especially like how this app is focused on helping our elderly, specifically with dementia. Dementia is a heartbreaking illness that affects many, many families across the world. I am thankful that none of my grandparents have suffered from dementia, and I could not imagine the sorrow it must cause for their loved ones. This illness affects not only the one who is suffering directly, but also those loved ones who are close to this person. LEAF would help ease the pain for everyone involved tremendously. I believe it would help reduce the stressful nature of the illness significantly, since it helps remind those suffering from dementia to take their medication. It also has the feature to allow them to connect with other people. This would help directly with them dealing with loneliness. I know how those suffering from dementia could end up being alienated from the outside world, and I believe this app would help them stay connected with their fellow man. I also think this device would help those family members who care for their loved ones who are suffering from dementia, since they do not have to worry about their family member suffering from dementia not taking their medication. This app is a really great idea, that I think would be greatly successful in helping numerous families and loved ones. I also like how this idea focuses on a class in our society that I think is neglected. I have seen from first hand experience how elderly people are often treated poorly. Many times I feel they are treated as a liability or a lesser-than. This is especially saddening, since our progressive/secular society prides itself upon equality. I feel my generation and those who are young, have a responsibility to care for the older generation. They deserve to be treated with love, care, and respect. I was always raised to respect my elders, and I have seen many of my fellow millennials treat our older generation with disrespect. Which is sad, and this further adds to the notion how my generation is extraordinarily selfish and self-centered.

I'll reiterate that I believe his app is a tremendous idea, that I think would better our society as a whole. Dementia is very scary, and I am glad how this app brings more awareness to the illness and those who are affected from it..

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