
Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Overall Review

For the last review I figured it would be better to multiple groups from the technology and human values project finalists. Overall, I think the projects were very interesting and creative. It takes a lot of time to think about creating a device or app that help a moral problem that is ongoing in society today. So, I want to commend every group on their project and especially the ones that got voted to be a finalist. 

First group I want to review is the Crossing Bridges, Closing Gates group. I really enjoyed watching them present their project.  They created app that design to help children that are not first language speakers and are having problems understanding the language. These children who first language are held to the same standard as the regular students whose first language is English.  No wonder some the students are either average or under average students. How are they supposed to pass if they do not fully understand the standard test they are taking? I love how not only did they create an app but also a tablet that can be implemented throughout the school system, to make it more convenient for the lower income homes that do not have wifi. Also, they have bigger plans of eventually having there tablets shipped overseas to help third world counties who are struggling to keep up with wealthier counties.

The second group I want to review is group. This group created that I would definitely use, especially now that the semester is basically over. They created app to where students can buy and sell their textbooks. If anyone has been to college and has had a chance to pay for college text books then they probably that cost can get very expensive. This creates a system where the students put their own price on the textbook they selling. But, not only does it allow you buy and rent textbooks from other students it helps students to know which text books that they will need. It allows student to talk to other students through a direct message system about teachers and if that teacher implements the textbook in his or her class.

The final group would be Couture Essentials app.  This group created an app to where they save the waste that people do not think anything of. With the waste that save, they create furniture, clothes, and other nice things with trash. The app also shows the user how to create things with the waste. The app is nonprofit so, the proceeds goes back to the user. This promotes user to save their waste and use it for a good cause.

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