
Sunday, December 11, 2016

Is it cheesy to name my thoughts as "I love SafeTeam"?

As a whole, our society does feel unsafe to many groups, sometimes bleeding into all. Sexual abuse is a very real threat to women, minorities can be easily mistreated, and even the majority can be subjected to senseless acts of mistreatment and violence. Preventing a situation from escalating is everyones job. SafeTeam provides an easy interface to do just that. Everyone deserves to be safe in any environment.
In its prototype form, the app part of SafeTeam does happen to have a few ambiguities. What's the difference between feeling mildly safe and moderately unsafe? These kinds of ambiguities can be easily corrected with a few word differences- or maybe provide definitions to the differences between the categories. The only real suggestion i had for the project was an "I could just use a friend" option, because sometimes you might not be in a bad situation but feel the need to be comfortable. Maybe you don't do well in crowds or something.
The best part of SafeTeam, in my opinion, is that it doesn't try to replace the police. I would definitely sign up for the app to help others as well as be helped if need be. I was also surprised by both this app and another one I saw at the final group presentations was how specific we can now get in displaying location. I always thought that you could only see generic locations, but that probably is just my own ignorance.
The idea to integrate the app with a band that can be used to report issues was pretty clever too. Sometimes you're placed in a situation where pulling out your cellphone is a bad idea, but tapping the band can be passed of as nerves.
I figure y'all will probably never move further with this app and product because it was a project for a class, but I really hope someone else one day gets the idea and has the resources to pursue it. No one should be left feeling unsafe, and with the way our technology is nowadays, moving panic buttons from just being on some websites to being an entire protective system seems like it won't be too far off. I <3 SafeTeam.

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