
Thursday, December 8, 2016

Promoting Health in the 901 through Memphis Healthy Habits

First of all, I want to say that I really enjoyed this presentation and loved the idea that was behind it! I think that Memphis Healthy Habits addresses a very important issue which plagues America. There is no doubt that the issue of obesity can be seen very clearly in the United States, especially in Memphis and other major cities in the South. It was very clear that there was a lot of research backing this project up, which helped make Nicholson, Clare, and Michael all seem super competent about the issue of obesity and comfortable talking about it to the class in order to spread awareness of it.
Memphis Healthy Habits provides so many resources and so much information about ways to be healthy and active in our city. I have only lived here for a few months and I honestly had no idea how much there was here in Memphis to promote healthy lifestyle choices for the inhabitants of Grind City. This presentation left me wanting to become more active in my everyday life and inspired me to become a lot more conscious about what I put in my body and I feel that anyone who visits this website would feel the same way! It serves as a great tool to open people’s eyes to the consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle and make them become more educated on how they can improve the choices they make in their day to day lives, ultimately bathing the way for an overall happier and healthier lifestyle. The educative aspect is really useful in that instead of just telling people “eat this instead of that” or “do this work out regimen to get a bikini body,” it explains why different foods are necessary to achieve a healthy diet and emphasizes why it is important for everyone to exercise daily.

What I found to be really unique about Memphis Healthy Habits is that it compiles a large number of resources in one web-based service so that it can address a wide variety of topics having to do with health and wellness in the Memphis area. This website offers so many health-oriented events,  awesome workout plans, and yummy recipes to the Memphis community. It really seemed like there was something available on Memphis Healthy Habits to appeal to almost everyone, offering the most amount of help possible to the greatest amount of people. 

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