
Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Watch out for WatchIt!

I absolutely loved the WatchIt App and wrist device presentation. I think it addresses not only one of the most prevalent issues in America today for children and adolescents but also one of the most heart-breaking. Whenever I think back on what I used to fill my time with as a child, it always involved being active and/or outside. I loved running around my grandfather’s big back yard during the summer, going to my neighborhood park after school, playing basketball, and doing cheer. My mom also was very concerned with her own eating habits, which always translated to the way she prepared food for me and taught me about nutrition and health. I never had to worry about being obese because there were adults in my life who invested time into my health and wellness.
So today, when I see children who are obese, which apparently one third in America are, it makes me so sad for them. An active and healthy childhood is one that every child deserves. It is something that every parent should want for their children and push them to be achieving. For parents that realize this, the WatchIt App and wrist device is a great place to start. In a world like today’s, where children can work a phone by the time they are two, we must reassess how we encourage children to be healthy and active and think in the same that they do; and I think that this presentation does just that.
This wrist device and app that Jared, Peyton, and Piper created seems attainable for the average American family and their children and very easy to use.  I honestly wish that something like it already existed because it has potential to be so useful to families interested in getting their children to be more active and healthy. I love that children can share their progress on the app, which will help with its popularity. I think that if the concern for children’s physical health was as trendy as the newest Apple Watch or iPhone is today, America would be a much healthier and (hopefully) a happier place. If this app and wrist device pair were really put into action, I think it could become greatly popular and make a huge impact on the obesity epidemic happening in this country. Seriously, please go on Shark Tank and make this world a better place!! 

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