
Sunday, December 4, 2016

Finding My Place Feedback

Finding my place is a station for homeless people to obtain certain necessities used for everyday life. This station also has a digital feature that is useful for finding shelters and other needed resources for survival. In my opinion this idea is a very good one. There are many homeless people in America for many different reasons. American life is very complex and it is not easy to live in our society without support. This idea is a gesture that supports homeless people that need help in living the homeless life and potentially shortening the amount of time they are homeless. The job application and address feature are very good ways for homeless people to survive. Funding a work life balance with minimum wage is a hassle which may have led to some people's homelessness. I believe this is a way to help homeless people but not fix the problems that cause homelessness. It seems as if some homeless people have given up on the system and on progressiveness which is key to living the American Dream. Some people just lose everything and end in this situation and it is completely understandable. Finding My Place is a good survival kit and is a good resource, but is being homeless a choice after a certain period of being homeless. There are many ways that people thrive and a systematic job may not be for everyone if it hasn't worked for them in the past. Adding a how-to section will be a good point to let people become knowledgeable of how to make money or set themselves up for making money and living an independent live. Many people are not homeowners nor have a residing place that they can call their own. Even the people in these situations have trouble with owning their own place or having their own place. Perseverance is key. Having a motivational feature also will be good to have.

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