
Sunday, April 30, 2017

A.D.A.P.T. Evaluation

     I think that depression is a fairly important problem for the youth of America. Bullying is a major problem that can cause depression. Depression can also lead to suicide, and the plan that A.D.A.P.T.  came up with would help alleviate these problems. With their app and website, teenagers suffering from depression could interact with each other. This would hopefully allow the young to essentially help each other talk about their problems, and for them to confide in each other. . This might be more appealing than speaking to a guidance counselor for these teenagers suffering from depression. This is because it is easier to speak to a peer suffering through the same things for most people. 
     I think the best facet of this presentation was the functionality of their app. I think that it would be effective in reducing depression in its users. They also presented their material in a very friendly and concise manner. They got straight to the point. 
     I think that there were some adjustments they could make to their app and website to increase their efficacy. First, I think that it would be best if they also had guidance counselors that have fought off depression. I think this would add an extra facet to help these depressed teenagers. It will show them that people have survived what they have been through. Second, I think that it would be best if they also offered direct messaging, instead of a sort of chat room. This is so that they can have one on one interaction, so that they could develop more friendships. It is good to have a community of people, but I think that friendships would help mitigate problems caused by depression. The only thing is that they need to address how they plan on getting people to use their app. Some depressed kids do not want to open up and this could prevent them from wanting the app. I think the best solution to that would be if they really stressed how safe the environment is and that they can keep their information confidential. The company would have their personal information, but that is only for safety purposes. This might attract a fair amount of users and make the app and website a success.
     In my mind, I think their idea would be further solidified as a guaranteed success if they adopt these changes. Their idea caters to a fairly large part of our society and the future of our country. The feasibility of this idea leads me to believe that this proposed solution would decrease the number of depressed teenagers, thus making the world a better place.

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