
Sunday, April 30, 2017

Deviants R Us Review

          The Deviants R Us project was very well presented and a great idea. I agree wholeheartedly what they are trying to do. Their presentation also brought to light a pretty big problem in the ostracizing of groups of people because they have found something they enjoy that might be against the norm. 
          Prior to this presentation, I had no idea that this was as big a problem as it is. For example, the clip that they showed us was a prime example of how badly some subcultures were judged. I mean gassing a building where a people you do not like to cause harm is a textbook definition of terrorism and these news anchors were laughing. I mean people were hospitalized and could die, but they could not get over the fact that they were Furries and dressed up in costumes. If it was a gathering of the LGBT community, Christians, or any other group in general their would be a national outcry for justice not laughter. That really struck home with me. 
          One of the pillars of America is "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." If someone enjoys My Little Pony, that is not hurting anybody whatsoever so they should be allowed to do so in peace without ridicule from a news anchor on live television. I mean one person was getting blatantly made fun of on television, and I bet he never got reprimanded whatsoever. I personally have to worry about anyone making fun of what I like to do and my hobbies so I feel bad for some of these subcultures. While I might not agree with some of their views or like what they like, but they deserve to do what makes them happy. One of the things that makes us humans is our want to dedicate time to something that gives us joy. To take it away or to ridicule someone for it is not only un-American, but also morally wrong. 
          Their idea for their app was also, I think, a good solution for their problem. It gave people from different subcultures an opportunity to converse and potentially get together with people just like them. Them getting together I believe is great way to sort of end the effect of ostracizing has on these people. They can sort of feel a pride for who they are and that they are not alone. My only concern is making sure that they try to keep dangerous groups of people from getting together, i.e skinheads. As long as they keep groups like them off of their app and website then I think it will all work out perfectly. The group seemed dedicated to ensuring that their app would not have dangerous groups on their along with making sure they can represent as many groups as possible.
          I am a strong believer in what the Deviant Crew wanted to fix. Regardless of how what somebody enjoys doing they have a right to do it as long as it does not hurt or affect anyone in a negative way. Hobbies are one things that define us, and doing what we love makes us feel alive. Hopefully one day these subcultures can do what they love without fear of being ostracized.

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