
Sunday, April 30, 2017

Deviants R Us

Personally, I think the group Deviants R Us did a really good job on their final project and also knew how to present the issue and make the presentation interesting. I liked the idea of building a network where people with “unusual” hobbies or interests can find other people with the same hobbies or interests.
Everybody knows how hard it is to find people that actually have the same interests as oneself and are passionate about the same things. Even with so called “normal” hobbies that is not an easy thing.
The short video clips the group showed in their presentation made me realize how certain subcultures are made fun of and called “weird” even live on national TV. Those people are normal people and it is not on us to judge about them. What is the problem of somebody enjoying to dress like a pony, even if they are a grown man? The fact that they live their hobby peaceful shows how that part of the society thinks. I think nobody should have a problem with a quit and placid group that is meeting up in peace and doesn’t threat or even hurt anybody. In my eyes, that is where the line needs to be drawn. As soon as a group practices violence or discriminates another group of people, they should not be able to meet up or demonstrate in peace.

The device that comes with the project, the app, was well introduced and comes with a lot of good features. What I like about the app is, that it provides safe meeting. Let us say you get in contact with somebody through the app you like and want to meet but you are not really sure if it is a good idea, that is exactly where this feature comes into play. To me, it is a really good idea to have one or even more emergency contacts you can let know beforehand if you going to meet up with somebody. Due to that option they are informed about an upcoming meeting which even involves the location. In case of any troubles during the meeting you can easily inform your emergency contacts by tapping your screen, and they will come and get you out of the situation.
I am a supporter of the Deviants R Us group and think they came up with a really good idea. Everybody should be able to do what makes them happy and they should not live in fear of being threatened or ridiculed. Great job!

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