
Sunday, April 30, 2017

SOS Review

I will be reviewing the app Sustain Our Society aka SOS. This app was definitely one of my favorites because its very eco-friendly. I love how they turned a simple idea into a project that will benefit the earth that benefits us. Features in this app include: tracking and controlling the use of electricity and water in our home, benefits of carpooling/ using fuel efficient cars, the knowledge to create and maintain our very own garden, and the ability to track foods expiration dates, their total health benefits, if any, and/or other healthier food options. I like how a breaker box can be installed in order to control the use of electricity. Electricity is let alone wasting by simply forgetting to turn of a light. It was interesting to know how even though the switches are off, currents are still running. To me, this basically means that turning off a light is pointless if energy is still being consumed, so, being able to just shut everything down is definitely beneficial to our pockets and the environment. Another feature I like was the fact that they can help us create and maintain a garden. I, for one, have always wanted to have my own garden but I feel like it would be hard for me to actually maintain it. Having this app tell you what and when to do things, like watering it, is beneficial. This will definitely help people eat more organically fresh food instead of hybrid, GMO infested "food". Which goes into the next topic, knowing the better options. A lot of people want to eat healthy but they simply just don't know where to start. This app can help at least pick healthier options over their typical go to's. I also like the fact the it can let us know when our food is going to expire with just a simple scan. This is definitely a huge problem in the States, lots of food is wasted. We tend to often forget when our food will no longer good, and that's if we even care to check. With the app keeping track of our food, it will at least encourage us to make the most use of our goods. Overall this is was an innovative  app that really put a lot of things together. The way this app was presented and the way they reached out to the audience definitely encourages people to want to make a difference. This is also an app I see myself using!

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