
Monday, April 24, 2017

Not So Homeless

        I think that the idea for setting up a neighborhood where the homeless could go was very clever. I also like the idea of the organization helping the homeless find jobs. I think that this project explains a lot of the issues happening here in our own city. We see homeless people everyday, and sometimes we assume that they are just drug addicts and alcoholics, but what we don't realize is that they were once just like us. They had a life to live at first, but then once they got older, complications came. They also lose contact with their families most of the time. I like the fact that the the group gave each home a tablet so that they could see what you needed. I also liked the gift cards and the fact that they give you money, and what you decide to do with your money is up to you. You also get a microwave and a mini fridge with two queen size beds.
      There are some things that I would tweak about the project though. They mentioned that on average, a person is homeless for up to ninety days. If they are homeless up to ninety days, I think that they should be able to stay in the homes for more than a month. It honestly seems unfair to have them there enjoying their life for a month, and then kick them right back out onto the streets or in a homeless shelter. The least you could do was give them the three months, and if a job opportunity came, then it would probably be better to shorten the stay. Others than that, I think that the whole idea of giving people a place to stay until they get back on their feet was a great idea. The survey was also a good idea, but you know that a lot of people lie on the surveys so it was wise to do a background check.  I also liked that they included a drug test since they don't want to have people within the community creating problems for everyone else.

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