The episode “Be right back” of the series
Black Mirror shows us, the viewers,
an example of self-conflict. Martha, Ash’s partner, seems to be extremely
desperate and depressed after Ash’s death. It is at the moment when she finds
out that she is pregnant, she begins to reconsider the option of talking to a
cyber version of Ash. Martha was so desperate she was willing to try anything
to help ease and cope with her grief of Ash’s death. At the beginning it was a
bit strange and seemed absolutely ludicrous to talk to a program that mimicked a
dead person. However, Martha was curious to see how the program worked. As she
began to experience the program more and more, she began to get more interested.
Since she was so vulnerable, she was willing to try anything to help ease the
pain of losing Ash. Unconsciously she began to forget that the Ash she was
talking to was just a program, which evolved and regurgitated Ash’s personality
and voice from Ash 1’s online files.
Many viewers, like myself, questioned why Martha did not
just abandon or pushed Ash 2 at the cliff. After digesting and analyzing the
episode it seems like it was not that simple. At the moment when she traveled
with Ash 2 to the cliff and told him to jump, Martha came back to reality.
Martha finally realized that Ash 2 was not Ash and Ash 2 was never going to be
the original Ash. She realized that the Ash 2 was
no longer a copy of Ash, as it had presented a "mind" of its own. Which
is why she probably began to view it as a sentient being separate from Ash and
couldn't bring herself to get rid of it. It parallels to the scene when Ash 1
talked about his mother’s custom of removing the pictures of loved ones and
placing them in the attic every time a loved one died. It is evident that Martha
was still trying to hold onto that thread that connected her to Ash even though
she knew that the Ash she had loved and knew would never return. Evidence to
support this claim occurs at the end of the episode, when it cuts to sometime
in the future when Martha is celebrating her daughter’s birthday. The daughter convinces
Martha to let her see Ash 2, which she only sees on the weekends. The daughter goes
up to the attic to see him while Martha waits at the bottom of the ladder, and
eventually Martha climbs to see Ash 2 once more.
1 comment:
I agree. and I also think that Martha was more depressed at the end of the film than she was at the beginning when Ash 1 died.
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