
Sunday, April 2, 2017

ASHes to ASHes

          I know at times we grieve the loss of loved ones, but sometimes we have to understand that  getting them back may not exactly be what we wanted. In "Be Right Back," Martha was a young woman whose boyfriend was killed in a car crash. While mourning the lost of her boyfriend she discovers a new form of technology where you can actually speak to someone you have lost. In the long run,  Martha discovers that there is another stage where she can physically see and touch Ash. When doing this she sees that it is not the same as having Ash A with her. She realizes that no one could possibly take the place of the original Ash. I don't think that she should've looked into this program anyways. I feel like when looking into things of this nature, you should always do your research before listening to what others have to say. She also should've thought about the fact that people know that the real Ash is dead, and to create another Ash would only be harder on her because she would always have to hide him from visitors.
        Even though at first Martha was creeped out by the whole thing, she eventually starts to enjoy his company, until she sees that he was doing things that Ash A wouldn't do. I feel like she was trying to make Ash B into something that even Ash A wasn't. We have to remember that Ash B was programmed off of what was fed to him by the social networks of Ash A. Maybe Ash A was really how Ash B acted. I say this because in the beginning of the film, we saw how Ash A was always on his phone. He was really into technology, and always posting updates on himself. I even remember Martha saying that he was getting lost into his phone. Maybe Martha doesn't know as much about Ash as she thought. In my opinion the only difference between the two is that one was the real flesh and the other was artificially made. We saw throughout the beginning when Ash A was alive, that the only time they really communicated was through sex. They never really had any sparking conversations that would make me not think that Ash B was nothing like Ash A. To conclude this, I think that the moral of this story was to be careful what you wish for, because sometimes what you wish for isn't all that it's thought out to be.


Unknown said...

I totally agree with you. It was foolish of Martha to believe that the robot could replace her husband. It seems that having Ash 2 would make it harder for her, but she wasn't thinking clearly. No matter what Ash 2 could never be exactly like Ash 1.

Unknown said...

I agree with your statement of how Ash B actually turned out to be nothing like Ash A. His social media portrayed him as this outgoing guy when in reality, like you said, he was glued to his phone. Ash B was the person that Martha wanted him to be, but it wasn't who Ash really was. I agree with you.

Unknown said...

I agree with you. No matter how much social media that Martha uploaded on Ash B, she would never be able to fully portray Ash A.

Unknown said...

I agree. The person you want to come back may not always come back the same way as before. I do think, however, that it would be good to have every once in awhile just so you could see them every now and then.