After watching the film " Be Right Back", I was amused of the fact of having a love one be brought back to life after passing away. The film showed me that technology is really advancing as years go by and something like this can be useful in the future for those who go through deep depression after the lost of a love one. It can help them with pain and grieving. the idea can seem scary and weird at first but after spending time with the android you can get used to it. I know talking to a robot can sound creepy but if it help with dealing with death people should use it. If connecting with a loved one through technology is the only solution , everyone should try it until they are at a point where they find peace that their love one is gone. Say for interest that the two of you all was on bad terms and he/she passed away , by getting the android can be a way to solve the conflict , so you want feel as if you are responsible for the death of that person. We as people take spending time with those who mean the world to us for granted and by being able to bring them back to life even though is not their actually body , you can still create more memories with them to cherish after you are done grieving. the fact that you can make them just like the love one you lost is amazing and the features they may not be able to collect from the person , being able to just tell them how is was is acceptable to me as well . its just the feeling of having that love one back in your life is what mostly what matters.
In the film "Be Right Back", Martha ordered an Android of Ash who passed away , it was scary to her but she got used to after a while of seeing that he was similar to Ash. The Ash 2.0 to me was more of Ash than Ash because Ash 1 was an online type of person, he was always using social media. And by them creating Ash 2.0 off of the things he posted online made him the real Ash to me. Even though Ash 2.0 didn't have the emotions Ash 1 showed in person , He was still able to be him by listening to the things Martha stated and just piecing it together of what is expected from him. Martha freaked out a few times when he did certain things different from Ash but by her keeping Ash 2.0 around still was the branded in her head that it is him and will be the best way for her to get through life. One thing Martha did that I did not agree with was the part when she , keep him in the attic after their daughter was born. I believe she should have explained to the daughter who he was and what happened because the daughter did not call him dad she called him Ash. So that showed me she had no clue who he really was.
The uprising of technology is expanding widely to ideas that are a good for the people who have hard time dealing with life after the passing of someone who they truly care for. Being able to create these androids of people you know and the androids ability to talk and sound as if they are really that person is shocking and even though the robot is interpret what is on the person social media , that still counts as a duplicate as them because people post majority of their life on social media. Social media in take of people life is so high you are able to find whatever you are looking for by just a click of a button.
I understand your point, but I disagree that the robot was a good thing to have. The robot just kept Martha from fulling getting through the grieving process. I think that even getting a robot after a person has finished grieving is a bad idea because it brings back the feelings that you had with that person before, and you could get attached to them again and start to believe that they are alive again.However, I do agree that it was not good for Martha to bring her daughter around because they had an awkward relationship and because Ash 2 is not the same as Ash 1, so it wasn't really her father. I feel like this would confuse the daughter.
I liked reading your point of view. I like how you said that it could help someone who has suffered a loss deal with deep depression.
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