
Sunday, April 2, 2017

This Can't Be Where Technology Is Heading!?

The episode "Be Right Back" started by introducing a young couple going about their everyday lives. The showed a young man clearly drawn into his social media accounts, and a woman who clearly was more in tune with what was going on around her. Everything seemed pretty normal, until one day the young man died in a car accident. Weeks go by, and the woman is introduced to this online software that basically becomes the person who died. Through this very creepy software, she was able to have phones calls with her dead partner Ash, and even went so far as to purchase a droid that will quickly try to BECOME a recreation of the old Ash. She eventually lives with this droid for years, but very quickly goes as far as to have sex with it. That scene is where I had had enough. I felt that is was completely disrespectful for her to engage with this droid in such a manner. This thing came out of a box that was shipped to her doorstep... and she is having sex with it!? Unfortunately, the development of droids isn't too far from this becoming an actual possibility for mankind. I don't think that we are two or three years from this, however I personally believe that by the time I reach old age it will be available. I believe the way that the droids are activated will be different though. In the episode, the droid had to be activated in the bathtub. It also required a packet of electrolytes in the bath water. This seemed a little farfetched to me. I feel like if this is going to be a thing in the future, then it may require you to fill tons more information online. For example, the droid had kinks because it only knew of Ash from his old social media accounts. The future's possible droid will probably require videos and questionnaires to fill in these gaps. Also, the droid lacked very simple emotional awareness to situations that obviously would have gotten a different response from a actual human. I feel that the future's possible droid will be more aware to social norms when it comes to emotional reactions. I feel that it is very do-able for this to work out technology wise. However, it is very much possible that the idea is too creepy to become a reality. As long as I don't have to interact with these weird wannabes, then I'll be okay for the rest of my life!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I do agree that in a couple of years technology will have been way more advanced but it shouldn't go this far. Technology will be there to help us until an idiot uses it for the wrong reasons and destroys himself. Technology is not a friend.