If we could easily be replaced, how would we be valued? In, 'Be Right Back," a woman loses her husband, Ash, to a car accident and then buys a robot that is an exact replica of him. Though she did mourn the loss of her husband, I believe that the attempted recreation of everything he was after his death, took away from the person that he was when he was alive. The availability of a having a "spare" person for after that person dies, devalues them and also devalues humanity.
See, in the movie, the robot first acts based on Ash's social media posts, emails, text messages, and other digitally left marks of him from throughout his life. I believe that the problem that arises from this is the idea that everything about a person can be calculated and programmed. That takes away from the idea that humans are supposed to be beings of improbability and emotion that act with reason. Our emotions make us human; however, if emotions can be programmed, that would mean that you could simply program humanity.
The world has always viewed humans as an exception to nature in relation to animals. We, as humans, have always viewed ourselves at the top of the world's hierarchical pyramid. We are autonomous, emotional beings who act on more than basic instinct. It is believed that no two-humans are alike and that no human's actions, reactions, thoughts, and emotions can be predicted. All of those beliefs and ideas about the way humans operate are shattered in this movie. "Be Right Back" shows that our thoughts are just as predictable as the weather and that our make-up can be calculated as easily as numbers in a calculator. It simplifies and belittles humanity. If we can be programmed and calculated into a robot, something with no learned moral compass or sense of humanity, what makes us any different than an animal or any other simple being that can be recreated and confined to a toy?
Human life should not be "recreated." You cannot copy their soul or the spirit of that person so I don't think that they're really being recreated at all. The robot or "number 2" is only a machine that reenacts his memories or puts sentences and phrases together based on things that he's already said. Ash number 2 is, honestly, nothing more than a really, really expensive 3D siri. Humanity should not be forced to be reduced to a high-tech machine for our selfish satisfaction, it is worth so much more than that.
A robot could never replace the life of a human. Humans are so much more complex than any calculated program. I agree that the idea that this is true totally belittles humans.
No matter how advanced science becomes, it can not full capture human life. There will always be problems that robots can't answer because of their programming. Humans are not like robots.
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