
Sunday, April 23, 2017

Review of the OFFS Presentation

To start, I was not aware of this issue until this presentation, so I applaud the group for bringing an issue that might not be thought about as much as others to the forefront. The concept of kids aging out of foster care is simply something that I have never heard about for whatever reason, so I feel more informed thanks to the presentation.

As far as the group's manner of addressing the issue, I feel like it would be a good idea if the group had a vast sum of money to work with. If this was the case, then their ideas would have been a great way to address the issue. However, the fault in their ideas was their lack of realism, but from an idealistic standpoint, the ideas were awesome. To focus more on the presentation itself, I felt that the videos used were useful visuals that added to the presentation by making the issue seem all the more real to the audience. While the myriad statistics provided helped drive home the point that it is a pressing issue, some of the statistics were repeated but with different numbers, which somewhat detracted from the presentation.

When it came to the time for questions after the presentation was completed, the group was grilled with questions and criticisms. While all of the questions asked and criticisms presented were valid, I felt like the group handled it relatively well as they addressed the concerns as best they could instead of completely turning into deer in the headlights. This is not a part of the presentation itself, but I believe that the group’s handling of the questions from the audience is worth noting and reviewing.

Overall, I am a big fan of the issue that the group addressed, but the way that the group went about addressing it could have been a little better. At the same time, it is not as though I can think of a better way to deal with the issue off of the top of my head, so it is not as though I can heavily criticize the group. Besides, I enjoyed the presentation itself, especially the comic relief at certain parts. I was engaged throughout the presentation since the topic and the solution to the problem caught and held my attention.  Also, Ben’s attempt to help out and give credit to Jack in the middle of the presentation was admirable and showed loyalty, even if it was in vain. 

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