
Sunday, April 2, 2017

Robots Will Never Be Human

A robot will never be able to replace a human. Humans can think for themselves. Humans are spiritual beings. Humans have a conscience. People may try to very hard to recreate someone, but even if they continued to try their hardest, it would never work because robots do not know anything other than what a person or machine tells them to think.

Humans have the luxury of having a working brain. A human's brain allows you to do many things that make you human. The brain allows you to think. It also allows you to enforce decisions that you decide. Humans don't have to be told what to think to be able to speak. Humans, consciously, have the ability to speak.

Robots do not have a brain, at least, not in the same way as humans. They have something like a brain that tells them what they need to know, but it doesn't compare to what a human brain can do. Robots are told by someone or something how to feel, what to think, and what to say. If a robot didn't have clear instructions and wasn't programmed correctly to process certain things, it wouldn't be able to. It would be useless.

Not only do humans have brains, they have a spirit. Most humans are defined by their spirituality. The way people live their lives is determined by their souls, spirituality, and virtues. People decide whether to be good or bad, although some people say that they don't have choices. Humans always have the ability to choose, whether sane or insane. Humans can't be deleted. They can be killed, but not because someone turned them off. When someone dies, they're gone forever and cannot be revived.

Robots are told what to believe. They are told how to be good or bad. Robots cannot really know the deep root of virtues and spirituality. When robots die, it is because their batteries have gone out or someone decided to delete them from existence, and if someone decided that they wanted a robot to exist again, they would turn it back on.

People are irreplaceable. If another human can't replace another human, a robot, most definitely, can't. People's thoughts are private and that's what separates humans from other humans and robots. Robots don't think. They don't eat or process food like humans do. They are not real and will never be able to be human. They don't have a conscious of their own, and they are easy to destroy. Robots will never replace humans.


Unknown said...

I agree with what you said about robots not being able to know the deep root of virtues and spirituality. Robots will never be able to have true compassion, or true emotions. If they ever did, it would be very strange and uncanny. If robots were able to express true emotion, that would make them more human like, but how would humans react? Like you said, people are irreplaceable. Robots can replace individual parts of a human, such as an arm or leg, but they can't replace the entire human. Robots can't become human.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you, sometimes we look as people just as objects which is what a robot really is an object. We can not reduce the meaning of life into having a replication of individuals who have already passed away. There are things that cannot get replaced such as their personal thoughts, their virtues and most importantly their spirituality. Which is something that is irreplaceable.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you. Robots will never be fully human. There are parts about being human that make us animal like, for example being born, where as robots are made by machines. They do not need the human touch, or any form of feeling to survive. As technology gets stronger do you think there will be people who are half robotic and half human?